Classification of Members
1. Regular Members
Are members who are:
- In private and government employment who perform administrative or supervisory internal auditing functions, or whose functions may be related to internal auditing; or
- Full time employees as internal audit staff, no matter by what title they be designated; or
- Citified Internal Auditor or have earned certifications administered by the IIA, Inc. Internal auditors are persons who perform internal auditing activities are defined under the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA) and authoritative pronouncements in internal auditing.
2. Educational Associate Member
Shall consists of educators, students and writers provided such persons are engaged in fields related to internal auditing and cannot quality as a Regular Member.
They qualify in the following cases:
- Educators whose principal employment is teaching in educational institutions, or one who performs such research-related activities designed to develop or promote the internal auditing profession in the academe and research sector.
- Writers whose principal employment is writing for periodicals or other publications, and where such contribution is related to developing or promoting the internal auditing profession.
- Students pursuing higher studies in internal auditing in the tertiary or post-graduate level.
3. Honorary Member
Are persons recommended and conferred by the Board of Trustees in recognition of his or her outstanding and exemplary
service to the profession of internal auditing or to the Institute.
4. Lifetime Member
Is accorded by the Board of Trustees for members who rendered at least 15 years of cumulative active service and/or participation in the Institute, and is at leastr 60 years of age.
Nominations shall be deliberated and approved by the Board of Trustees. Lifetime members are exempt from the annual dues as may be approved by the Boards of Trustees.
Membership may also be reviewed and terminated by the Board of Trustees subject to the rules under Section 8 of this article.
A recommendation for termination of membership shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees, for their approval. When the membership of any person is thus terminated, written notice thereof shall be given to such person.
Ref: Amended By Laws on December 10, 2013