Home > About IIAP > About Us > History/Milestone
Year | History/Milestone |
1948 | Founding and establishment of "The Institute of Internal Auditors - Manila Chapter" |
1982 | SEC Registration (4/27) as "The Institute of Internal Auditors - Philippine Chapter" |
1990 | Recognized as "National Institute" by The IIA Inc. (12/1) |
1992 | Declaration of "Internal Auditing Week - 3rd week of October" by former President Fidel V. Ramos (9/7) |
1997 | 50th Year Annual Convention held at Subic International Hotel |
2000 | 1st Certificate of Excellence CIA Exam Awardee - Mr. Garry Ng |
2001 | 1st Certificate of Honor CIA Exam Awardee - Mr. Brian Athaide |
2002 | Designed "IIAP Pillars of a successful internal audit profession" |
Launched 1st run of CIA Seminar Series and the 1st In-House CIA Seminar | |
Designated by the SEC Corporation Finance Director to draft specific provisions of the SEC circular on Code of Corporate Governance | |
Launched the Search for the Outstanding Internal Audit Department (SOAID) | |
2003 | Formed Academe Committee, drafts BSIA curriculum |
Formed the IIAP Davao Chapter | |
BSIA Curriculum was developed and approved by the IIA Inc. | |
IIA Global awarded SMC Internal Audit Group* the "Commitment to Quality Improvement Award" | |
2004 | awarded the IMAP Marketing Excellence by IIA Global |
1st hosting of the ACIIA Conference in Cebu City | |
Developed IIAP Governance Roadmap | |
1st visit of an IIA Global Officer to IIAP | |
Signed MOA with University of San Carlos (Cebu) for Masters of Science in Internal Auditing (MSIA) | |
2005 | Designated IIAP's local Chief Staff Officer (CSO) |
Signed MOA with Far Eastern University for the BSIA program | |
Conducted 1st review of Board performance | |
1st participation in cSO regional & international meeting | |
Received the "Lawrence Sawyer Award" | |
Developed CSR strategy: IIAP as an affiliate with a soul | |
2006 | Signed MOA with Cebu Chapter |
Launched 1st CAE Forum | |
Signed MOA with Association of Government Internal Auditing (AGIA) | |
Validator in the ICD Balance Scorecard and GOCCs | |
Signed IIA Global Quality Assessment (QA) affiliate agreement | |
Ms. Rose Javier was elected as ACIIA Honorary Treasurer from 2006 to 2007. A first from IIA Philippines. | |
2007 | 1st EQA engagement, Mr. Lew Burnham of IIA Global as team leader |
Amendment of SEC Articles and ByLaws (2/19) | |
Developed IIAP Advocacy Framework | |
Developed IIAp QA Framework | |
CHED endorsed the BSIA & MSIA for schools & universities | |
123% growth in CIA numbers | |
Partnered with IIA Malaysia for the conduct of CIA Seminar Series | |
Ms. Helen De Guzman: ACIIA Honorary Treasurer from 2007 to 2008 | |
2008 | "The IIAP partners in governance" article by Marcedes Suleik |
Awarded "International mastering of Advocacy Program (IMAP) by IIA Global | |
1st Full EQA engagement by a local team | |
2nd hosting of ACIIA CAE, Hotel Intercon Manila | |
1st IT Audit Summit, Makati Sports Club | |
1st Young Auditors' Forum: Gen "Y" Speaks | |
Mr. Leonardo J. Matignas, Jr.: ACIIA Honorary Treasurer from 2008 to 2009 | |
2009 | 1st CEO/Audit Committee Chair Forum, Tower Club Makati. Keynote: Mr. Washington Sycip |
Developed IIAP Quality Systems Manual (QMS) | |
Mr. Leonardo Matignas was elected as the first Filipino president of the Asian Confederation of Institute of Internal Auditors | |
2010 | Purchased condo office 187.22 sq.m. at Corporate Center, Valero St., Makati City |
Approved new IIAP organizational Structure & transitional plan effective 2011 | |
Hiring of 1st Chief Operating Office (Dec 2010) | |
2011 | May 2011, transfer to new office in Corporate Center, Valero St., Makati City |
MOA signed with ISA for PGS Validation | |
2012 | IIAP Volunteer the 1ts validation of 2 NGAs and 1 LGU |
Ms. Helen De Guzman: ACIIA Honorary Secretary from 2012 to 2014 | |
2013 | 66th Annual Convention, Davao City with the biggest number of delegates (309) for a local conference |
Creation of 1st Remuneration & Compensation Committee | |
Approved proposed draft to By Laws, AGMM Dec 10, 2013 | |
2014 | Approval 5-year 2013-2017 Strategic Goals "MAPS" (2/24/14 Board) and revised Vision/Mission |
Developed IIAP HR Plans & Performance Evaluation Matrix | |
1st Job Fair during May International Internal Audit Awareness Month, SMX MOA, Pasay | |
Received IIA Global "International Internal Audit Awareness Month Champion-2014" | |
Ms. Helen De Guzman appointed as ACIIA Deputy President from 2014 to 2015 | |
2015 | Proposed revisions contained in BSP 871s2015 |
100+ volunteer-members (highest number to date) participated in ICD ACGS validation | |
President of ACIIA 2015-2016, Ms. Helen D Guzman | |
2nd hosting of ACIIA Conference, Makati Shari-la Hotel (591 delegates) | |
Completed 16 PGS Validation some showcased in APEC for IGG recognition | |
Participation in:
| |
Approved 2016-2020 Strategic Goals "LAMPS" | |
2016 | Launches 1st Academic Challenge for IA Students "BataIIA" |
Earned ACIIA Center for Excellence in Certification award | |
Launched 1st Fun Run, opening the May International Internal Audit Awareness Month (Global City) | |
Partnership with II Inc., BAIPHIL, COA, USC & UA&P | |
69th Annual Convetion, 1st time held in Bacolod City | |
2600 Membership attained highest number in 69 years! |