The IIA is making it possible for you to sit for your IIA certification exam throughout the world, at a date and time that is convenient to you, in the exam language of your choice! In order for you to take full advantage of these amazing conveniences, you need to schedule early.
There are numerous other examinees from a wide variety of certification programs who are also taking their exams at Pearson VUE testing centers. Appointments are made on a first-come, first-served basis, according to availability of testing stations. Centers can and will fill up. If you do not schedule early, you will either have to delay your exam or select a different testing center.
TO SCHEDULE YOUR EXAM, follow these steps:
- Go to
- Click on “Create a Web Account.”
- Complete the requested information. Use the same information that you provided in your IIA CCMS “primary address” and “primary e-mail” fields in order for the Pearson VUE system to locate your authorization from The IIA.
- Under “Previous Testing History,” check “No, this will be my first time…”
- Enter candidate ID number that you received from The IIA.
- Wait for Pearson VUE to e-mail you regarding your username and password. This process may take up to 24 hours.
- Click on “Schedule Exams.” You will see all of the exams that you have registered for and are able to schedule.
- Select the exam that you wish to schedule and follow the instructions to select the location of the testing center where you wish to take the exam. A calendar indicating available test dates will appear. Click on an available date to see the time slots that are available for this test and select the time for your appointment. Follow the instructions to complete the scheduling of your appointment. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your appointment.
Step 1: Arrive at the Test Center Early
The Pearson VUE exam appointment confirmation letter will provide you with the location of your testing center. Plan yourtravel carefully so that you will arrive at the test center at least 30 minutes before the scheduled appointment time.If you arrive at the test center less than 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment, you may be denied access to the testcenter and considered a “no-show.” In no case will you be admitted to the test if you arrive after your scheduled starting time.If you are considered a “no-show,” your registration will be voided, you will forfeit your exam registration fee, and you will berequired to register and pay for that exam again in order to sit for it in the future.
Step 2: Bring Your Pearson VUE Exam Appointment Confirmation Letter with You
You should bring the exam appointment confirmation letter that you received via e-mail from Pearson VUE with you to the testing center. This letter contains important information that will allow the test administrator to locate your record and be able to admit you to the exam. It may also be useful to bring your “Authorization to Test” notification that you received from The IIA.
Step 3: Present Acceptable Personal Identification
The IIA and Pearson VUE employ very strict security measures. One level of security involves your identification. You must bring at least one form of identification that meets the following requirements:
Identification (ID) must:
- Contain your name exactly as you provided it during the exam registration process (as it appearson your Pearson VUE exam appointment confirmation letter).
- Have a permanently affixed photo of your face.
- Be current — expired IDs will not be accepted.
- Be an original document — no photocopies will be accepted.
- Acceptable forms of identification are:
- Government-issued driver’s license.
- Passport.
- Military ID (except those with chips).
- Permanent resident visa.
- Credit card with photo (meeting requirements).
- Other government-issued ID (see IIA Web site for examples).
- Unacceptable forms of identification include:
- Employee identification or work badge.
- University/college identification.
If you do not present acceptable identification, you will not be allowed to take your exam and you will be considered a “no-show” even though you appeared at the exam site. Your registration will be voided, you will forfeit your exam registration fee, and you will be required to register and pay for that exam again in order to sitfor it in the future.
Step 4: Check In for your Test
The staff at each Pearson VUE test center has been trained in the procedures specific to IIA exams. Exam center personnel willguide you through the steps that have been developed by The IIA. Here is what to expect when you arrive at the test center:
- The test center administrator will show you where to store your personal items. You must place allpersonal belongings, including purses, wallets, watches, jewelry, cell phone, etc. in the storage lockers(or other secured location) provided by the test center. You will be given the key to your locker, whichmust be returned to the test center staff when you leave. The lockers are very small and are not intendedto hold large items. Do not bring anything to the test center unless it is absolutely necessary. Neither testcenter personnel, Pearson VUE, nor The IIA will be responsible for lost or stolen items.
- The administrator will provide you with a copy of the Candidate Rules Agreement. You must accept theterms of this agreement in order to take an exam at a Pearson VUE testing center.
- You must provide one form of acceptable identification. The administrator will verify that the name onthe identification matches the name on the exam registration. You must keep this identification with youat all times during the exam. If you leave the testing room for any reason, you will be required to showyour identification to be re-admitted.
- The administrator will capture your signature and verify that your signature matches that on youridentification (if any).
- Your fingerprint will be captured, and a digital photograph of your face will be made.
- The only item that a candidate may bring to the test that is allowed in the testing room is a nonelectroniclanguage translation dictionary. This dictionary may not contain definitions of terms; onlydirect translations of words. It cannot have anything written or highlighted in the book nor can it containany added notes or documents inserted into the book. If you have brought a translation dictionary,the administrator will check it to be certain that it is acceptable and does not contain any markingsor inserted material. The administrator may disallow any dictionary that does not seem to meet thesecriteria.
- You will be offered an erasable note board and pen on which you can take notes during the exam. Youmust return this to the administrator prior to leaving the test center. You cannot take any notes from thetest center.
- An onscreen calculator will be available during the exam. If you prefer a hand-held calculator and thetest center has one available, you may request to be provided with one. You will not be allowed to bring apersonal calculator or any other such device with you into the testing room.
- You will be required to sign the test center log and you will be admitted to the test. Your test will startwithin 30 minutes of the scheduled start time. If circumstances arise, other than candidate error,which delay your session more than 30 minutes, you will be given the choice of continuing to wait orrescheduling your appointment.
- If you leave the testing room for any reason, you will be required to sign the test center log and showyour identification. You may also be required to provide a fingerprint when leaving or re-entering thetesting room.
- You will not be allowed to bring any food or drink into the testing room.
- You will be escorted to a workstation by the exam proctor. You must remain in your seat during theexam, except when authorized to leave the testing room.
- After you are logged into your exam, proceed through the introductory screens without delay. There is atime limit on the initial screens and, if that time limit is exceeded, the exam session will automaticallybegin.
- If you encounter ANY computer problem, report it immediately to the exam proctor.
Once you have been seated at a testing station, the administrator will log you into your exam. You will be asked to confirm thatthe exam shown on the screen is the exam that you are scheduled to take, and then you will begin the testing session.
All IIA certification exams follow the same exam flow pattern, which consists of several distinct segments, as follows:
Non-Disclosure Agreement and General Terms of Use for IIA Exams
Before you begin your exam, you will be required to accept the terms of The IIA’s non-disclosure and confidentiality statement as follows:
This exam is confidential and is protected by law. It is made available to you, the examinee, solely for the purpose of becoming certified. You are expressly prohibited from disclosing, publishing, reproducing or transmitting this exam, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, verbal or written, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the prior written permission of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
The IIA requires all exam candidates to read and accept the above Non-Disclosure Agreement and General Terms of Use for IIA exams prior to taking an IIA Exam.
If you do not accept the exam non-disclosure agreement, your exam will be terminated. If this occurs, your registration will bevoided, you will forfeit your exam registration fee, and you will be required to register and pay for that exam again in order to sitfor it.
The tutorial is no longer included with the exam. Prior to taking your scheduled exam you may complete the tutorial at by selecting “CBT Exam Tutorial” on the left-hand menu.
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