Scheduling your exam
The IIA makes it possible for you to sit for your IIA certification exam throughout the world, at a date and time that is convenient to you, in the exam language of your choice! In order for you to take full advantage of these amazing conveniences, you need to schedule early.
There are numerous other examinees from a wide variety of certification programs who are also taking their exams at Pearson VUE testing centers. Appointments are made on a first-come, first-served basis, according to availability of testing stations. Centers can and will fill up. If you do not schedule early, you will either have to delay your exam or select a different testing center. The IIA is not responsible for unavailability of test centers and will not extend the 180-day eligibility because of it.
You must schedule your exam appointment in advance of the desired exam date. To increase the likelihood that you will receive your first choice of date, time, and location, it is recommended that you schedule at least 45 days before your desired exam date. However, please remember that you should wait 48 hours after receiving your “Authorization to Test” notification before contacting Pearson VUE to schedule your exam, in order to allow time for your registration data to be uploaded to their scheduling system.
You can schedule your exam for any available appointment time within 180 days from the date that the registration is processed at The IIA. If you do not schedule your exam in that time period, your “Authorization to Test” will expire, and you will be required to register and pay for that exam again in order to schedule or sit for it. Neither The IIA nor Pearson VUE are responsible if you do not schedule an appointment before your registration/authorization expires.
Once you make an appointment, you will be permitted to make changes for a USD $75 fee per reschedule or cancellation. Changes must be made no later than two days prior to your current appointment. After that time, if you do not appear for your exam at your scheduled location on your scheduled date and time, you will be considered a “no-show,” your registration will be voided, you will forfeit your exam registration fee, and you will be required to register and pay for that exam again in order to sit for it in the future.
Changes to Your Appointment
Canceling or changing an appointment can be accomplished online at or by calling a Pearson VUE call center.
Once you make an appointment, you will be permitted to make changes for a USD$75 fee per reschedule or cancellation. Changes must be made no later than two days prior to your current appointment. After that time, if you do not appear for your exam at your scheduled location on your scheduled date and time, you will be considered a “no-show,” your registration will be voided, you will forfeit your exam registration fee, and you will be required to register and pay for that exam again in order to sit for it in the future.
If you change your appointment time and do not receive a confirmation of the cancellation, please contact the Pearson VUE call center immediately.
Test Center Closings due to Weather or Other Emergency
If severe weather or other local emergency requires a test center to be closed, every attempt will be made to contact you. However, if you are unsure whether your test center is open on the day of your exam, call the local test center directly. If the center is open, it is your responsibility to keep the appointment. If the center is closed, you will be given the opportunity to reschedule without penalty. If you are unable to contact the local test center, go to the Pearson VUE website at and call the Pearson VUE call center nearest you.
If there are technical issues at the test center, you will be asked to wait 30 minutes, and if the issues are not resolved, you may be offered to reschedule the test for another day. If you decide to reschedule due to technical issues, there will be no rescheduling fee. If you decide to wait for the issues to be resolved, you are accepting any length of time it may take to correct the issues.
Scoring and understanding your results
Each exam contains scored and unscored questions. Each scored question contributes equally to your final test score and is pretested to ensure statistical validity. Unscored questions are included on each exam for the purpose of determining the difficulty of these items only. They do not contribute to your exam score. There is no penalty for incorrect responses or guessing, so it is to your advantage to attempt to respond to every question in the exam. Your raw score is calculated based on the number of scored questions that you answer correctly and then converted to a reporting scale that ranges from 250 to 750 points. A score of 600 or higher on this scale is required to pass an IIA exam.
If you achieve a passing score, your score report will only indicate that you passed. No numeric score will be reported. If you do not pass the test, the score report will indicate the numeric score that you received. This will let you know how close you were to achieving the required 600 points. Failing candidates also receive an indication of their performance on each major exam topic area or domain. This will let you know the topics areas on which you performed well and those on which you need improvement.
Retaking Failed Exams
If you fail any one of the CIA exam parts or one of the specialty exams, you must wait at least 90 days before you are able to retake that exam (part).
You can re-register for the exam and schedule your new test appointment once your exam results are published to the CCMS; however, the earliest appointment date that will be available to you will be 90 days from the date that you last took that exam. Please keep in mind that when you register for an exam, you must sit for that exam within 180 days of the day that your registration is processed by The IIA. If you register immediately after failing an exam, your 180-day registration/authorization period will begin immediately but you will still have to wait 90 days before your first opportunity to sit for the exam.
There is no limit to the number of times a candidate can retake a failed exam. To re-register for a failed exam and schedule anew test appointment, follow the same steps indicated prior to initial registration and scheduling.
Eligibility Period
The certification program’s eligibility requires candidates to complete the program certification process within four years of application approval. If a candidate has not completed the certification process within four years, all fees and exam parts will be forfeited.
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