2022 International Conference Call for Speakers Extended to 5 September!
On 17–20 July 2022, delegates from around the world will immerse themselves in “Winds of Change. Waves of Impact.” during the 2022 International Conference in Chicago. To meet their expectations for a learning event of the highest quality, The IIA is seeking insightful presenters capable of sharing global perspectives and best practices related to current and emerging issues impacting the profession worldwide.
The International Conference is a powerful platform that prepares attendees to face the disruptive landscape and ensure their organizations are ready for what is to come by revealing fresh viewpoints, new technologies, and the latest tools and techniques. It also allows them the opportunity to network with peers and global leaders to build personal skills and knowledge to enhance their careers.
We invite you to submit your own proposal(s) and/or to nominate a colleague who is passionate about helping others bring significant value to their organizations worldwide. Topics of interest include:
- AI and Data Analytics
- Audit Methodology, Innovation, and Improvement
- Cybersecurity
- Governance, Risk, and Controls
- Leadership, Organization Relationships, and Strategy
- People Development
- Regulatory and Compliance Management
- Soft Skills
- Technology
Access recommended session topics and instructions for submitting your proposal here.
The submission deadline is 5 September 2021 at 11:59 p.m. We look forward to receiving your proposal!
Invitations will be extended directly to selected speakers by the week of 8 November 2021.